Unite your two passions, faith and athletics, to impact the world for Jesus Christ.

Run Well

It’s graduation season, and with that comes the bittersweet moment of watching our seniors walk across the stage, move away and begin their new normal. This year, we have 5 student leaders from FCA who are doing just that. It has been a privilege to walk alongside each one of these talented individuals throughout their time at Maryland and now we look forward to seeing them step beyond these walls and run the next part of their race that God has prepared for them.

Breanna Coleman picBreanna Coleman
Breanna has been our student leader from Track for the last 2 years. She majored in Criminal Justice and will be continuing her education next year at John’s Hopkins. We are so thankful for Breanna’s servant heart and her willingness to serve her teammates as well as her local community.

Kristen Confroy pic Kristen Confroy
Kristen majored in Neurobiology & Physiology and is headed to Wake Forest Medical School next year. She has served as our student leader from Basketball for the past 2 years. We will miss Kristen’s leadership and ability to “rally the troops” with our Women’s Basketball huddle.

Adam Green pic Adam Greene
Adam has served as one of our representatives from Football as well as our FCA Student Leader Captain this past year while getting his Master’s in Quantitative Finance. We will miss Adam’s leadership and his connecting us to the Children’s Inn at NIH where we now send volunteers each month.

David Kocher pic

David Kocher
David is graduating with a degree in American Studies. Next year, he will continue his Golf career in the professional world. He has served on Student Leadership for the past 2 years. We will miss David’s sense of humor and his commitment to live out his faith with his teammates.

Matt Neufeldt pic Matt Neufeldt
Matt joined Student Leadership last year as our representative from Lacrosse. He is graduating with a degree in Sociology and going to work for a local mortgage company. We will miss Matt’s excitement to be at huddle and look forward to the teammates he invited continuing to come to FCA.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning it’s shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” - Hebrews 12:1-2

Congratulations! You are prepared! Run well!


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