Unite your two passions, faith and athletics, to impact the world for Jesus Christ.

UMD FCA 5K Run/Walk!

Buddy Attick Lake Park
555 Crescent Rd
Greenbelt, MD 20770
September 24th 2022
8:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Inaugural fall 5K Run/Walk

We are excited to host the UMD FCA 5K run/walk this fall! Runners and walkers of all levels are invited to come out, support our ministry, and expect a great time of fellowship. Registration begins at 8:00am with a 9:00 am 5K start.

Sponsor the run!

Please verify the level at which you, your company, your church, or your organization would like to donate towards the inaugural fall 5K Run / Walk at Buddy Attick Lake Park located in Greenbelt, Maryland. Your financial partnership will go towards enhancing the effectiveness of our sports ministry at the University of Maryland by providing coaches and athletes with incremental resources, Bibles, staffing and need-based camp scholarships. Come out, support our ministry, and expect a great time of fellowship.

Run/Walk Sponsorship Opportunities:

Title Sponsor - Provides ministry resources, Bibles, gear and numerous need-based scholarships for the FCA Mid Atlantic College Camp: $5,000

Gold Sponsor - Provides huddle ministry resources for coaches and athletes at the University of Maryland: $2,500

Silver Sponsor - Provides ministry resources and Bibles for athletes at the University of Maryland: $1,250

Bronze Sponsor - Provides ministry resources and Bibles for coaches at the University of Maryland: $500

Refreshment Sponsor - Provides refreshments for race day participants and volunteers: $1,000

In-kind Sponsor - Provides goods or services to give out to race day participants

*General financial donations can be made in any amount.
*Title Sponsors will have their company, church, or organization name printed on the front of race day T-shirts and will be announced on race day. Gold, Silver, Bronze, Refreshment, and In-kind sponsors will have their company, church, or organization name printed on the back of race day T-shirts and will be announced on race day. All sponsors will also receive advertisement on Maryland FCA social media sites prior to race day.

All sponsorship checks are payable to: Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)
Mail checks to: 500 Brighton Knolls Dr. Brinklow MD 2086

“…and let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.”

Hebrews 12:1